Piglet Poets Page

What's Meant To Be Shall Be

Folks say "what's meant to be shall be."
But the older I get
I start to ask myself what it truly means.
Does it mean that we have to wait for life to deal us a hand of mistakes,
What ifs, and heartaches and pain?
To find out that the person that you
The person that should have been that one
Was standing in front of you?
But life's demand for change took
Ya'll in two different directions.
But you've always longed for that last touch
That last time that ya'll made each other laugh or smile
You long for so much but you were afraid of
Life's simple demand of change
To carry the love
Because of past judgment's
Or societies view that long distance relations won't ever last.
But no one ever seems to view the saying
"Amour Vincit Omina"
Latin meaning "Love Conquers All"
Love is something powerful
It takes over your body
Makes you want to do the things that other say where impossible
You long for that person daily
The little things start to matter
The crazy love songs….
Doing silly things
Like kissing in the rain!!
Love is unconditional…
It stands beyond all odds
But it conquers the Body
So explain to me what shall I do
Walk away from the one that makes
Me happy
And endure a life full of heartache and pain
To figure out that I could've
Have a lifetime of happiness…..
Or should I keep them close
With the key to my heart so
I can kiss in the rain…
Smile all the time and make them smile
Have a book filled of poetry
Expressing the Love that I have for them…
So explain to me the meaning
Of "What's Meant To Be Shall Be"
And I'll give you my reason to run against all odds

Written by Piglet

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