Piglet Poets Page

I Am A Runner

I'm a runner from
And heartbreak
I'm afraid of being hurt
I'm afraid of being lied to
So I run away from every sign
Of love
Because I'm scared that
I'll always have the same ending result
I'm a runner
From expressing myself verbally
I guess you can call me a P.O.W
A Prisoner of Words to be
I hate telling someone how I feel
So I hide behind
My pen and paper
I'm afraid of…
Someone thinking I'm a liar
I'm a runner
Of tears…I refuse to CRY
So I build a wall of
Allusion around my heart
That I really do care
I'm a runner
Of fear…I stay in my comfort zone
So I won't have to try anything
I'm a runner
From many things I'm in fear
Of being hurt and losing
What I worked hard to obtain
So I stay behind my
Pen and Paper
The only thing that
Is True to

Written by Piglet

Piglet Poets Page